About Susan McEachern

Using photography as her principal visual medium, McEachern has produced a number of projects that take, as their point of departure, lived experience. Through many of these experiences, McEachern discerns qualities of the gender-determined path of her explorations. She has produced projects, through image and text, whose titles describe an entry point for her inquiries: The Home, The Family in the context of Childrearing, On Living at Home, The Creation of Desire, Questions of Nature, Backyard Community, and, most recently, Structures of Meaning, a retrospective exhibition organized by Andrea Kunard, curator, at the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography. She is currently producing work for the series titled, Equine Studies. She has exhibited her work extensively in Canada and has had her work included in a number of exhibitions internationally including the USA, Korea, Poland, and New Zealand. McEachern has taught at NSCAD University, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for many years, in the field of photography and its changing technologies, survey and seminar courses on the history of photography, and visual culture. She has also worked in a number of administrative roles including the Director of the MFA Program, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and is currently the Editorial Director of The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She and her family live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.